Speech gratis de la Stanford University, Box.net CEO Aaron Levie, o ora despre antreprenoriat

Tipi de 20+ de ani, cu milioane de dolari pe mana.

Cat de atent urmaresti o prezentare? La un moment dat, tipul face o recomandare catre o carte. La ce carte face referire? Ai gasit-o pe net? (nu cele de la finalul speech-ului)!

Box.net CEO Aaron Levie is an entrepreneur who seeks to reinvent how enterprise businesses share content across their organizations. In 2005, Levie saw the need for affordable storage on the Internet, and co-founded Box.net out of his college dorm room. In this high-energy lecture, Levie shares the successes and challenges of his company’s move from early-stage startup to scalable cloud technology venture.

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