Personalitati din lume si de la noi (cu timpii in care au terminat maratonul):
Al Gore, 1997 Marine Corps Marathon (4:54:25)
George W. Bush, 1993 Houston Marathon (3:44:52)
Richard Brandson
Puff Daddy 2003 New York City Marathon (4:14:54)
Katie Holmes, 2007 New York City Marathon (5:29:58)
Natalie Imbruglia
Princess Beatrice
Steven van Groningen, presedintele Raiffeisen Bank
Marc Desenfans, chairman Unilever South Central Europe
Marten Schoenrock, managerul hotel InterContinetal
Roxana Precu, retail business unit director GSK Romania
Natalie Morales, 2006 New York City Marathon (3:31:02)
Will Ferrell, 2003 Boston Marathon (3:56:12)
Ed Norton, 2009 New York City Marathon (3:48:01)
Sarah Palin, 2005 Humpy’s Marathon (3:59:36)
Anthony Edwards, 2003 Chicago Marathon (3:55:40)
Lance Armstrong, 2006 (2:59:36) and 2007 (2:46:43) New York City Marathon
Jared Fogle, 2010 New York City Marathon (5:13:28)
Mario López, 2002 Boston Marathon (5:41:42)
Meredith Vieira, 2010 New York City Marathon (5:59:00)
Al Roker, 2010 New York City Marathon (7:09:44)
Ricky Whittle
Michelle Heaton
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Fie ca au ajuns la al 15-lea maraton sau este pentru prima data cand se inscriu intr-o astfel de competitie, managerii vor alerga duminica la singurul maraton din Romania inscris in circuitul international, pe o distanta de 42,195 kilometri. Ce ii leaga insa de acest sport si cum le slefuieste stilul propriu de management?
van Groningen, Raiffeisen: “Un maraton te invata ca poti mult mai mult decat credeai”
Steven van Groningen, presedintele Raiffeisen Bank, este un impatimit al maratoanelor si, chiar daca a facut sport de performanta in tinerete si alearga de cand se stie, pasiunea pentru astfel de competitii a dobandit-o in Romania.
“Primul meu maraton a fost in Bucuresti, in 1994, desi alergam de mult timp de placere, cu prietenii, sau ca antranament pentru hochei pe iarba sau canotaj. Am inceput sa alergam mai mult dupa ce ne-am mutat in Romanian in 1993, fiindca nu erau prea multe alte posibilitati”, isi aminteste van Groningen.
La distanta de 16 ani, presedintele Raiffeisen isi trece in memorie 15 maratoane internationale, in orase precum Stockholm, Chicago, Rotterdam, Budapesta, Moscova, Amsterdam, Berlin, Atena sau Praga.
Mai mult decat atat, el sustine ca anumite deprinderi dobandite prin participarea la maratoane il ajuta in activitatea manageriala.
“Un maraton te invata cum sa te invingi pe tine, iti arata ca poti mult mai mult decat credeai, dar iti da si lectia disciplinei. De asemenea, inveti sa ai o abordare pe termen mai lung”, marturiseste van Gruningen.
Pe lista influentelor pozitive pe care le-a avut acest sport asupra stilului sau de management, presedintele Raiffeisen adauga faptul ca, atunci cand stii sa te motivezi pe tine, este mai usor sa-i motivezi pe altii: “Inveti cum multe lucruri sunt de fapt in controlul tau, trebuie doar sa vrei sa le faci”.
Acum, cu ocazia maratonului din Bucuresti, si a triatlonului recent din Mamaia, de o luna se antreneaza mai mult, aproximativ 10 ore pe saptamana, in principal in Parcul Herastrau, dar si in padurea Baneasa, langa gradina zoologica.
In ceea ce priveste spatiile speciale pentru alergat, Steven van Groningen nu poate decat sa observe ca si din acest punct de vedere Capitala sta prost in comparatie cu alte orase.
“In Budapesta mergeam la insula Margit, in Moscova la Serebryany Bor, ambele perfecte pentru alergare. In multe orase europene stiu exact unde sa ma duc cand vreau sa alerg o ora sau mai mult, iar pentru biciclisti exista aceleasi probleme”.
Comparatia este dificila si in ceea ce priveste gradul de orientare al angajatilor romani catre activitatile sportive. “Daca merg la o intalnire organizata in strainatate adesea exista cativa alergatori in grup, care alearga dimineata. In Romania nu am inca vazut asa ceva. In Olanda mergeam si cu colegii dupa program la o alergare o data pe saptamana”.
Desenfans, Unilever: “O persoana este aceeasi si atunci cand face sport, si in afaceri”
Marc Desenfans, chairman Unilever South Central Europe (USCE), considera ca este foarte dificil sa intelegi semnificatia unei competitii, daca nu esti un alergator pasionat.
“Pentru mine, alergarea inseamna depasirea propriilor limite si reprezinta dovada certa a faptului ca, daca esti cu adevarat ambitios, si vrei intr-adevar ceva, poti. Este un sentiment extraordinar. Cred cu tarie ca o persoana este aceeasi si atunci cand face sport, dar si in afaceri. Abilitatile pe care si le dezvolta facand sport il ajuta deopotriva in afaceri”.
Marc Desenfans a inceput sa alerge acum 30 de ani insa, la inceput, nu s-a gandit ca ar putea participa la vreo competitie. Totul a plecat de la dorinta sa de a trai sanatos.
L-a atrans insa faptul ca la fiecare concurs la care lua parte avea sentimentul ca totul sta in puterea sa si ca isi poate depasi limitele. Acesta a fost si momentul in care a inceput sa se gandeasca la inscrierea in competitii si sa isi propuna depasirea propriului record in fiecare an.
In ceea ce priveste timpul dedicat acestei activitati, Desenfans marturiseste ca alearga in fiecare dimineata, intrucat sesiunea de alergare il ajuta sa-si clarifice gandurile si sa-si antreneze spiritul pentru ziua care abia incepe. „Este un fel de meditatie activa care imi creste nivelul de energie si imi da o stare de spirit buna”.
Mai mult decat atat, atunci cand vremea nu-i permite sa alerge in natura, alearga la birou, unde compania pe care o reprezinta are un club sportiv.
In ceea ce priveste spatiile din Capitala dedicate acestui sport, Desenfans spune ca, atunci cand vrei intr-adevar ceva, faci asta cu toate mijloacele. In opinia sa, singurul inconvenient din Bucuresti il reprezinta cainii fara stapan, un pericol permanent pentru cei care alearga sau pentru biciclisti.
„In tarile vestice cultura sportului este mult mai dezvoltata decat in Romania. Romanii au descoperit recent sportul. Sunt sigur insa ca vor adopta si ei o cultura in acest sens si ii vor ajunge din urma pe angajatii altor tari”, conchide Marc Desenfans.
Marten Schoenrock, InterContinental: “Nu exista o scurtatura in pregatire pentru un maraton”
Marten Schoenrock (foto), managerul general al hotelului InterContinetal din Capitala, va alerga pentru prima data la un maraton, motiv pentru care si-a intensificat si antrenamentul saptamanal.
Asadar, daca de obicei alerga doua ore pe saptamana, acum aloca si 5- 6 ore de pregatire pentru competitie, in special in Parcul Herastrau.
“Am avut un orar stabilit pentru toata perioada pregatitoare maratonului (km de parcurs, ore) alergand in timpul saptamanii dimineata de regula, accentul punandu-se mai mult in weekend”.
Atunci cand vine vorba de lectiile pe care i le-a dat acest sport, Marten Schoenrock spune: “Nu exista o scurtatura in pregatire pentru un maraton, trebuie sa te antrenezi ca sa ai o conditie fizica adecvata, acelasi lucru il aplic si in activitatea de zi cu zi la birou”.
In ceea ce priveste comparatia dintre romani si straini cu privire la orientarea si timpul acordat acestei activitati, directorul general de la InterContinetal spune ca romanii sunt orientati catre sport, dar nu foarte mult catre alergat, cum sunt, de exemplu, americanii si englezii.
“Romanilor le place mai mult sa mearga la sala de fitness, sa practice tenis sau footbal”, observa Schoenrock.
In plus, el cred ca Bucurestiul are nevoie de mai multe piste de alergat si, in special, crearea mai multor fantani, intrucat apa este foarte importanta cand alergi.
Roxana Precu, GSK: “Trebuie sa investesti timp in a aduce o echipa departe”
Roxana Precu (foto), retail business unit director GSK Romania, a participat pentru prima oara la maraton anul trecut si a fost incantata atunci cand a aflat ca Bucurestiul a fost inclus pe harta maratoanelor, o competitie cu traditie in intreaga lume.
In mod obisnuit, ea alearga de 2-3 ori pe saptamana si nu considera ca isi „rupe” foarte mult timp pentru aceasta activitate, cam o ora si jumatate dimineata, inainte de a merge la birou.
De asemenea, spune ca alearga atat la sala, cat si in parc, insa marturiseste ca prefera parcul, cu precadere Herastrau. Cu toate acestea, din punctul de vedere al eficientei diminetilor din timpul saptamanii, sala are de multe ori prioritate.
In ceea ce priveste maniera in care o influenteaza alergatul, si in special competitiile, in conturarea stilului sau de management, Roxana Precu spune ca, in ambele activitati, atat in participarea la maraton, cat si in activitatea manageriala, e necesar sa stabilesti obiective.
„Trebuie sa fii convins ca obiectivele stabilite pot fi indeplinite, sa fii disciplinat si sa investesti timp in a aduce o echipa departe, fara a considera ca aceasta este doar o provocare individuala”, completeaza reprezentanta GSK Romania.
Atunci cand vine vorba de spatiile dedicate acestei activitati, Precu este de parere ca, raportat la numarul de alergatori, in Bucuresti sunt suficiente spatii, indoor si outdoor, desi nu se poate compara cu alte capitale, mai ales din punct de vedere al numarului de parcuri disponibile pentru alergatori, dar nu sunt nici la fel de multi oameni care alearga.
„Comparativ cu alte tari unde am lucrat, nu cred ca sunt multi oameni care fac un efort pentru a include sportul in rutina lor, dar am observat ca situatia se schimba in bine. In ultima perioada, cred ca numarul celor care fac sport este tot mai mare. Spre exemplu, anul trecut au alergat la Maratonul Bucurestiului 9 colegi de la GSK, iar anul acesta avem 17 inscrisi”, spune Roxana Precu.
In ceea ce priveste pregatirea pentru maraton, Precu spune ca incearca sa se tina de o rutina de antrenament si sa urmeze pasii necesari.
„Atunci cand depui efort, e bine sa mananci si sa te hidratezi corect. De asemenea, pe mine ma ajuta sa ma vad la final si ma motiveaza de asemenea adrenalina din timpul cursei si de dupa. Cred ca oricine ar vrea sa experimenteze sentimentele acestea! Mai mult decat atat, stilul de viata sanatos este foarte important pentru mine. Ma inspira in egala masura faptul ca alerg pentru o cauza nobila, pentru partenerii nostri de la Hospice Casa Sperantei, cu care colaboram de multi ani si care au nevoie permanenta de fonduri pentru ingrijirea persoanelor care se confrunta cu boli incurabile in stadii terminale”.
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Lance Armstrong, 2006 (2:59:36) and 2007 (2:46:43) New York City Marathon
After he finished the New York City Marathon in 2006, Lance Armstrong called the marathon “without a doubt the hardest physical thing I have ever done.” But it didn’t stop the seven-time Tour de France champion from attempting the race again the following year. He trained a little better in 2007, which resulted in a better time and less pain.
I really admire Natalie Morales, one of the co-anchors of the Today show. She seems to have it all — brains, beauty, talent and, man, can she run!
George W. Bush, 1993 Houston Marathon (3:44:52)
Ed Norton, 2009 New York City Marathon (3:48:01)
Will Ferrell, 2003 Boston Marathon (3:56:12)
Sarah Palin, 2005 Humpy’s Marathon (3:59:36)
knew she was a runner, but I didn’t realize that she could really go the distance.
Anthony Edwards, 2003 Chicago Marathon (3:55:40) and 2009 NYC Marathon (4:08:20)
Sean Combs (P. Diddy) 2003 New York City Marathon (4:14:54)
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Al Gore, 1997 Marine Corps Marathon (4:54:25)
Jared Fogle, 2010 New York City Marathon (5:13:28)
Subway pitchman Jared Fogle, who famously lost 245 pounds by eating Subway sandwiches, trained for almost a year in preparation for the New York City Marathon. Clad in a black Subway T-shirt, he charmed the marathon crowds on the streets of New York and passed several Subway restaurants without stopping for one of those subs.
Katie Holmes, 2007 New York City Marathon (5:29:58)
Mario López, 2002 Boston Marathon (5:41:42)
Meredith Vieira, 2010 New York City Marathon (5:59:00)
Today show co-anchor Meredith Vieira had said she always wanted to run a marathon, but it was colleague Al Roker who inspired her to finally take on the challenge. They were together in the beginning, but Vieira pushed ahead, finishing an hour and 10 minutes before Roker. She was totally giddy wearing her medal on television the next morning.
Al Roker, 2010 New York City Marathon (7:09:44)
Today show weatherman and co-anchor Al Roker had perfect marathon weather as he ran (and walked) through New York City’s five boroughs. It was almost dark when he crossed the finish line, but he was all smiles as was greeted by his family.
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Celebrity marathon runners including Princess Beatrice and Natalie Imbruglia make final preparations before London Marathon
By Sarah Bull
Created 1:02 PM on 24th April 2010
The London Marathon traditionally sees celebrities of all shapes and sizes run to raise money for charity, and this year is no exception.
Natalie Imbruglia, Princess Beatrice, Ricky Whittle and Michelle Heaton were among the stars undertaking some final preparation for today’s race at a press conference in London yesterday.
While Michelle admitted she is ‘starting to panic’ about taking on the 26-mile course tomorrow, Princess Beatrice seemed unconcerned about the task ahead, glowing as she posed for pictures – proudly showing off the new trim figure she has achieved through months of marathon training.
Star-studded team: Runners (left to right) Natalie Imbruglia, Michelle Heaton, Ricky Whittle, Tegla Loroupe, Sir Richard Branson, Holly Branson, Sam Branson, Princess Beatrice and her boyfriend Dave Clark pose ahead of the marathon
Beatrice, who recently revealed she had ‘never taken fitness seriously’ before she began marathon training, says she is looking forward to tomorrow’s race.
Asked how she was feeling, Beatrice, 21, said: ‘Very excited. Very, very excited. Bring on tomorrow!
‘The training has been going really well. It has been really exciting to be training as a team to get everyone together.’
Beatrice and the rest of her Team Caterpillar, who are spearheading a world record attempt for the biggest number of people to finish a marathon tied together, are running to raise money for several selected charities, including Beatrice’s mother Sarah Ferguson’s charity Children in Crisis.
The team, who, along with Team Branson have already raised over £2million for charity, are aiming to finish the marathon inside six hours.But while Beatrice seems to have no doubt she will reach the finish line, some of the other celebrity runners are feeling slightly more nervous.
Running as one: Team Branson runners Natalie and Michelle grin as they hug Virgin boss Sir Richard Branson

Down under: Natalie Imbruglia covers her face as Sir Richard Branson dangles her upside down
Former Liberty X singer Michelle Heaton, 30, says despite completing the New York Marathon last year in five hours 10 minutes, she is unsure whether she will be able to complete the London marathon.
She said: ‘Until about two years ago I never did any exercise at all. I’m starting to panic a little bit. I’m feeling totally under-prepared and a little bit scared.
‘A couple of years ago if somebody had told me to run the marathon I would have told them where to go.
‘But it’s amazing what a clear head you can get when you go out running. It’s a really nice mental and physical thing to do.’
Hollyoaks actor Ricky, a former youth international football and rugby player, added: ‘I’m starting to get a little bit nervous. I can feel my body tightening up all over.
‘This is possibly the biggest challenge I’ve ever had.’
After recovering from an over-excited Sir Richard Branson lifting her up and dangling her upside down at today’s press conference, Australian singer Natalie admitted she is nervous, but also excited, about the big race.
Natalie, 35, who started training on the beach in December, said: ‘I’m not a long-distance runner. After my 20-mile training run I couldn’t walk.
‘I’ve always been very much into keeping fit and exercising but I would never run for longer than half an hour.
‘Anybody could run a marathon. You just have to start training very slowly.
‘It’s such a massive personal goal to take on. I think we’re all going to be very emotional when we cross that finish line.’
Beatrice and the rest of the 34-strong Caterpillar team train for the race earlier this year
A new addition to the start line will be Sir Richard Branson, whose company Virgin is sponsoring tomorrow’s event.
The entrepreneur only arrived in the UK at 9am this morning after he was forced to charter a plane from Los Angeles because of the volcanic ash.
He said: ‘It’s been fascinating training but in between a lot of plane journeys.
‘I’ve never run a marathon. I had never run more than two miles before I started training for this marathon.
‘I’m sure everybody running has an element of nervousness because you don’t know whether your body is going to cope.’
But as well as having to cope with the 26-mile course, the celebrities and the remaining 30,000 marathon runners will also have to battle hot, humid weather conditions with an forecasted high of 21C.
Met Office forecaster Barry Gromett said: ‘It will be quite a comfortable day if you’re not running 26 miles, but not ideal for the runners.’
If the temperature does reach its expected high, it will make tomorrow’s marathon the third hottest marathon since records began in 1981.