Aveti mai jos un studiu international din 2010, cu 850 manageri intervievati
Facut de EggonZender, au birouri in 37 de tari. El spune principalele probleme intalnite de manageri la adresa lucrului in echipa si solutiile propuse de ei.
In tabel, problemele care pun bete in roate productivitatii in echipa.

Solutii propuse:
- – investigate whether each team member’s responsibilities have been clearly defined
- – Improve the communication within your team
- – Clear lines of responsibility and the knowledge of these will help forestall self-centered goals
- – Ask each member of the team to describe his or her own as well as their perception of other people’s responsibilities. Pay close attention to any discrepancies and overlaps and close any gaps that are revealed.
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daca era facut la noi in tara pe primul loc era sacra BARFA! 🙂
🙂 welcome Caline