50 de laureati Nobel, ce cred in Dumnezeu. Scurt e-book cu declaratii de-ale lor.

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PART I. NOBEL SCIENTISTS (20th – 21st Century)
1. Albert EINSTEIN – Nobel Laureate in Physics
2. Max PLANCK – Nobel Laureate in Physics
3. Erwin SCHROEDINGER – Nobel Laureate in Physics
4. Werner HEISENBERG – Nobel Laureate in Physics
5. Robert MILLIKAN – Nobel Laureate in Physics
6. Charles TOWNES – Nobel Laureate in Physics
7. Arthur SCHAWLOW – Nobel Laureate in Physics
8. William PHILLIPS – Nobel Laureate in Physics
9. William BRAGG – Nobel Laureate in Physics
10. Guglielmo MARCONI – Nobel Laureate in Physics
11. Arthur COMPTON – Nobel Laureate in Physics
12. Arno PENZIAS – Nobel Laureate in Physics
13. Nevill MOTT – Nobel Laureate in Physics
14. Isidor Isaac RABI – Nobel Laureate in Physics
15. Abdus SALAM – Nobel Laureate in Physics
16. Antony HEWISH – Nobel Laureate in Physics
17. Joseph H. TAYLOR, Jr. – Nobel Laureate in Physics
18. Alexis CARREL – Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology
19. John ECCLES – Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology
20. Joseph MURRAY – Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology
21. Ernst CHAIN – Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology
22. George WALD – Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology
23. Ronald ROSS – Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology
24. Derek BARTON – Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
25. Christian ANFINSEN – Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
26. Walter KOHN – Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
27. Richard SMALLEY – Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
PART II. NOBEL WRITERS (20th – 21st Century)
28. T.S. ELIOT – Nobel Laureate in Literature
29. Rudyard KIPLING – Nobel Laureate in Literature
30. Alexander SOLZHENITSYN – Nobel Laureate in Literature
31. Francois MAURIAC – Nobel Laureate in Literature
32. Hermann HESSE – Nobel Laureate in Literature
33. Winston CHURCHILL – Nobel Laureate in Literature
34. Jean-Paul SARTRE – Nobel Laureate in Literature
35. Sigrid UNDSET – Nobel Laureate in Literature
36. Rabindranath TAGORE – Nobel Laureate in Literature
37. Rudolf EUCKEN – Nobel Laureate in Literature
38. Isaac SINGER – Nobel Laureate in Literature
39. Albert SCHWEITZER – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
40. Jimmy CARTER – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
41. Theodore ROOSEVELT – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
42. Woodrow WILSON – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
43. Frederik de KLERK – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
44. Nelson MANDELA – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
45. Kim DAE-JUNG – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
46. Dag HAMMARSKJOELD – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
47. Martin Luther KING, Jr. – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
48. Adolfo PEREZ ESQUIVEL – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
49. Desmond TUTU – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
50. John R. MOTT – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate


1. Isaac NEWTON – founder of Classical Physics and Infinitesimal Calculus

2. Galileo GALILEI – founder of Experimental Physics

3. Nicolaus COPERNICUS – founder of Heliocentric Cosmology

4. Johannes KEPLER – founder of Physical Astronomy and Modern Optics

5. Francis BACON – founder of the scientific inductive method

6. Rene DESCARTES – founder of Analytical Geometry and Modern Philosophy

7. Blaise PASCAL – founder of Hydrostatics, Hydrodynamics, and the Theory of Probabilities

8. Michael FARADAY – founder of Electronics and Electro-magnetics

9. James Clerk MAXWELL – founder of Statistical Thermodynamics

10. Lord KELVIN – founder of Thermodynamics and Energetics

11. Robert BOYLE – founder of Modern Chemistry

12. William HARVEY – founder of Modern Medicine

13. John RAY – founder of Modern Biology and Natural History

14. Gottfried Wilhelm LEIBNIZ – German mathematician and philosopher, founder of Infinitesimal Calculus

15. Charles DARWIN – founder of the Theory of Evolution

16. Ernst HAECKEL – German biologist, the most influential evolutionist in continental Europe

17. Thomas H. HUXLEY – English biologist and evolutionist, famous as “Darwin’s bulldog”

18. Joseph J. THOMSON – Nobel Laureate in Physics, discoverer of the electron, founder of atomic physics

19. Louis PASTEUR – founder of Microbiology and Immunology

20. Wernher von BRAUN – rocket engineer, founder of Astronautics

21. Francis COLLINS – Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute

22. Founders of Modern Science Included in Part I

PART V. GREAT PHILOSOPHERS (17th – 21st Century)

1. Immanuel KANT – one of the greatest philosophers in the history of Western Philosophy

2. Jean-Jacques ROUSSEAU – founder of Modern Deism

3. VOLTAIRE – French philosopher and historian, one of the most influential thinkers of the Enlightenment

4. David HUME – Scottish empiricist philosopher, historian, and economist, founder of Modern Skepticism

5. SPINOZA – Dutch-Jewish philosopher, the chief exponent of Modern Rationalism

6. Giordano BRUNO – Italian philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician, founder of the Theory of the Infinite Universe

7. George BERKELEY – Irish philosopher and mathematician, founder of Modern Idealism, famous as “the precursor of Mach and Einstein”

8. John Stuart MILL – English philosopher and economist, the major exponent of Utilitarianism

9. Ludwig WITTGENSTEIN – one of the founders of analytic philosophy

10. Richard SWINBURNE – Oxford Professor of Philosophy, one of the most influential theistic philosophers

11. Nobel Philosophers Included in Part II and Part III



1. Max Born – Nobel Laureate in Physics

2. Brian D. Josephson – Nobel Laureate in Physics

3. Lord Rayleigh – Nobel Laureate in Physics

4. Emilio Segre – Nobel Laureate in Physics

5. Paul A.M. Dirac – Nobel Laureate in Physics

6. Max von Laue – Nobel Laureate in Physics

7. John Cockcroft – Nobel Laureate in Physics

8. Charles Glover Barkla – Nobel Laureate in Physics

9. Venkata Raman – Nobel Laureate in Physics

10. Johannes Diderik van der Waals – Nobel Laureate in Physics

11. James Franck – Nobel Laureate in Physics

12. Bertram N. Brockhouse – Nobel Laureate in Physics

13. Werner Arber – Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology

14. Ivan Pavlov – Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology

15. Sir Alexander Fleming – Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology

16. Hans Krebs – Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology

17. Roger W. Sperry – Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology

18. George Beadle – Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology

19. Werner Forssmann – Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology

20. Tadeus Reichstein – Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology

21. Corneille Heymans – Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology

22. Sir Charles Sherrington – Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology

23. Charles Nicolle – Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology

24. Archibald V. Hill – Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology

25. Santiago Ramon y Cajal – Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology

26. Joshua Lederberg – Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology

27. Albert Szent-Gyoergyi – Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology

28. Aaron Ciechanover – Nobel Laureate in Chemistry

29. Ronald G.W. Norrish – Nobel Laureate in Chemistry

30. Ahmed Zewail – Nobel Laureate in Chemistry

31. Sir William Ramsay – Nobel Laureate in Chemistry

32. Karl Ziegler – Nobel Laureate in Chemistry


33. Henri Bergson – Nobel Laureate in Literature

34. Thomas Mann – Nobel Laureate in Literature

35. Boris Pasternak – Nobel Laureate in Literature

36. William Faulkner – Nobel Laureate in Literature

37. Eugene O’Neill – Nobel Laureate in Literature

38. Romain Rolland – Nobel Laureate in Literature

39. Henryk Sienkiewicz – Nobel Laureate in Literature

40. William Golding – Nobel Laureate in Literature

41. Czeslaw Milosz – Nobel Laureate in Literature

42. Selma Lagerloef – Nobel Laureate in Literature

43. Ivan Bunin – Nobel Laureate in Literature

44. Grazia Deledda – Nobel Laureate in Literature

45. Naguib Mahfouz – Nobel Laureate in Literature

46. Shmuel Agnon – Nobel Laureate in Literature

47. Gabriela Mistral – Nobel Laureate in Literature

48. Ivo Andric – Nobel Laureate in Literature

49. William Butler Yeats – Nobel Laureate in Literature


50. Nathan Soederblom – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

51. Mother Teresa – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

52. The 14th Dalai Lama – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

53. Georges Pire – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

54. Lord Boyd Orr – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

55. Betty Williams – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

56. Mairead Corrigan – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

57. Emily Greene Balch – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

58. Jane Addams – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

59. Robert Cecil – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

60. Arthur Henderson – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

One thought on “50 de laureati Nobel, ce cred in Dumnezeu. Scurt e-book cu declaratii de-ale lor.

  1. Multumesc pentru recomandare.

    Daca se poate, scoate chestia cu verificatul cunostiintelor matematice. E un minus pentru pagina. Parerea mea. Era sa nu multumesc pentru carte.

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